It’s Graduation time. It’s time a quarter life crisis may be imminent. It’s time to navigate the real world. It’s time to find a JOB. It’s time to move back in with mom and dad, or pay your own rent. It’s time to ponder if that major that seemed like a good idea at the time may have, in fact, been a waste of time. It’s time to show the real world what you can do!
With our cute new file folder, we created an affordable and unique DIY Graduation gift idea we think every graduate needs this year…Interview in a Box.
We know our knees buckled with nervousness before every interview and our parents always had the best advice. Just be yourself and do your best. So, with a little wisdom from mom and dad, and a few essentials from Interview in a Box, your interview will be a smashing success.
Interview in a Box
What’s included for the new graduate:
- DIY brushstroke file folder. Don’t bring this to the interview. Keep it at home, and get organized.
- Water bottle. Stay hydrated. No one wants cotton breath.
- Breath mints. Don’t make the interviewer turn his head with a queasy stomach with your morning coffee breath.
- Notepad and pens {Target, $3}. Be smart and take notes. At least look like you’re listening.
- Nordstrom gift card. Dress to impress. Cut off jeans and your college sorority sweatshirt is not going cut it. Go shopping and get something that will help you feel confident, professional and classy. You can never go wrong with a shopping spree at Nordstrom, period.
- File folders {Target}. Your resume will stand out in a metallic folder with your name on it. If you shine, your resume should too.
- Starbucks VIA. Stay awake for the interview, and since you’re post-college, you’re broke. No fancy latte’s for you.
- You Got This banner {via our awesome Silhouette cutting machine}. You worked your butt off to graduate from school. Never forget that you’re a boss babe {or dude}, and believe in yourself. YOU GOT THIS. Hang the banner in your room before and after the interview for a personal pep talk.
- Thank you cards. You will get extra points for writing a hand-written thank you note post interview. No texting, please.
{images via j. sorelle}
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