gift guide for the hostess

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know we have so much to be grateful for, so it was a special day for us to be with family and friends, and enjoy the love all around us. I was the one who cried {tears of joy} as I said what I was thankful for at the dinner table. I definitely got the ‘crying’ gene as we call it in my family – actually I think all 3 of us did – the gene that has us in tears for every toast and prayer at holidays and special events. It all started with grandma.

Now, we’re in Christmas mode. Hard to believe the jolly man comes down the chimney in about 3.5 weeks. Some of you may be shopping Black Friday deals today…wish I was doing a little retail therapy!

If your shopping today, or opt for a calmer day to shop, add some of our favorite hostess gifts below to your shopping list. It’s a nice gesture to bring a little something for the host/hostess – and he or she will be sure to enjoy any of these items.

Happy Shopping.

1. Cocktail Chatter Napkins, Anthropologie
2. Personalized Placemat, EInvite
3. Jar with Chalkboard Label {filled with cookies, of course}, Pier1
4. Santa Poo Pourri {spritz before you go, and no one will ever know – it totally works}, Amazon
5. Rosemary Tree, Terrain
6. Naughty and Nice Sock by Gumball Poodle, Urban General Store
7. Mr. and Mrs. Holiday Glasses, Furbish Studio
8. Holiday Basket with Mini Candles, Crate and Barrel
9.  Winter Wonderland dish towel, Anthropologie

{images via EInvite, AmazonPier 1Terrain, Urban General StoreFurbish Studio, Crate and BarrelAnthropologie}

coffee for 2

I wanted to spruce up a wedding gift for an upcoming shower with a cute prop to go along with the gift. I bought the bride a complete set of “Coffee” Mugs from Crate and Barrel, but instead of just giving her a wrapped package, I made a DIY Chalkboard tray for the couple so they could have coffee for two together…hopefully forever! Here’s how you can do it too…for a gift, or for yourself!

First I made coffee filter flowers.

You’ll Need
30-35 coffee filters
A stapler
Scotch tape or painters tape

How To
Stack 5-6 coffee filters on top of one another.
Fold the coffee filters in quarters, and then open again {you will just have ‘seams’ from the fold}.
Use your fingers to pinch the bottom of all the coffee filters so you have four seams, and then staple it on the bottom.

Then pull each filter up one at a time, and bunch it together.

Continue to do that, until you have gathered each coffee filter around the center, and you have a flower. From the gathering process, you will have a ‘stem’ on the bottom, so wrap a piece of tape around the ‘stem.’

Then, I made the tray.

You’ll Need:
A cookie sheet
Chalkboard Paint
A Drill

First I primed the cookie sheet with a Primer, spray painted it with Chalkboard paint, glued handles on the sides and Voila, right? Nope, not the case for me.  An hour and a half before the party, the gold handles fell off {and I used Gorilla Glue}, along with some paint. So, when I saw rope on the garage floor, I got to work on Plan B {my dad came through like a super hero…despite his dislike for DIY projects}, and then I had to re-paint it. Honestly, it’s cuter than Plan A – it just stressed me out more than I intended…and made me late for the shower.

How To
Use an electric drill to drill 2 holes on each side of the cookie sheet. Thanks Dad!
If you have pieces of metal sticking out or the edges are rough, use a sand block or a hammer to smooth it out.
Cut pieces of rope for the handles.
Prime the cookie sheet with paint primer.
Spray paint the cookie sheet 2 times {allowing appropriate time in between each layer for it to dry}.

Wrap a piece of duct tape around one end of the rope so you can easily fit it into a hole. On the other end, tie a knot.
Insert the rope, duct tape end, from the bottom-up of one hole, insert it down in the other hole, tie a knot, and then remove the duct tape and cut the leftover rope.

Write “Coffee for 2” on the cookie sheet, or even a game of tic tac toe.

Fill each mug with coffee filter flowers {I used Scotch tape to keep the flowers in place in the mugs}.

Add the mugs, a package of coffee, an ‘I love you more than coffee’ tag {from Fleur de Lis} and you have yourself an adorable prop for your gift.

{images via Tutto Bella}