turning ordinary objects into extraordinary decor

I’m always amazed by the DIY projects that people come up with…and with everyday items that I would least expect! Take, for instance a suitcase, coffee filter, PVC pipe, tea cup, tree stump and BBQ Bamboo Skewer. All great everyday items, but add a little creativity…and voila, extraordinary decor!

Vintage Suitcase Chair, see kate sew

Coffee Filter Lampshade, Northwest Hospitality

PVC Pipe Mirror, Thrifty and Cheap (thanks Tatertots and Jello for sharing it)

Tea Cup Clock, Vintage Revivals

BBQ Skewer Sunburst Mirror, Three Men and a Lady

Tree Stump End Table, Three Men and a Lady

{images via see kate sew, Northwest Hospitality, Tatertots and Jello, Vintage Revivals, Three Men and a Lady}


  1. Those are some super, duper projects indeed. Thanks for the feature!

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