Well, we’ve taken the melting candy project to another level since our peppermint DIY serving tray back in December.
This time around, we used Jolly Ranchers … and we are loving the results!
How cute is this rainbow tray for St. Patty’s Day?!
All you need is:
Jolly Ranchers {I used about half of the large bag}
A cookie sheet
Wax {or parchment} paper
{or other decorative items – I think marshmallows would be adorable to use as clouds in place of pennies!}
How to:
Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees
Line the cookie sheet with wax paper
Decorate Jolly Ranchers in a rainbow shape
Bake for approximately 12 minutes
{time may vary depending on altitude, thickness of cookie sheet, ect – keep an eye on it!}
Take Note:
The wax paper may get a little smoky while baking in the oven… just keep an eye on it!
{check every two minutes or so}
The center candies may not melt as quickly as the outside. I took it out when the outside candies were properly melted and left the candy on the cookie sheet – the inside candies slowly melted from the heat of the cookie sheet.
If you have imperfections, don’t sweat it. Carefully glaze the outside of your shape with a sharp knife.
Wait until your tray cools to peel wax paper off of the bottom. I kept mine on at the bottom to avoid stickiness while carrying.
Feel free to experiment with a sealant to solve the sticky issues. (I have not tried a sealant before}
May you have all the happiness
and luck that life can hold—
And at the end of all your rainbows
may you find a pot of gold!
{images via Tutto Bella}
you should use those coins that are gold foil on the outside and chocolate on the inside, kids would love that!
Thank you for sharing this project with the Jolly Ranchers! I agree the clouds would be adorable!