in with the old

I can happily admit the fact that I am an “old soul” in that I appreciate all things vintage and antique when it comes to fashion, furniture, accessories, music, manners, etc. But I have noticed more and more, that I am not the only one … everywhere I look fashions from the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s are resurrecting, record players are coming back in popularity, and vintage broaches and jewelry are all the rave.

I have collected a few vintage broaches from and was given a vintage typewriter from my grandparents. It is so beautiful, and yet very meaningful. As a matter of fact, I used the typewriter as the guest book at my wedding! I found this great store Frock in New York from that has all vintage fashions (and the good labels!) – next time I’m in the big city, I’m going to have to stroll on in … I would also love a stack of vintage Louis Vuitton suitcases stacked in my house – a girl can dream!

chanel pvc dress

vintage broaches

vintage typewriter

vintage vuitton

Vintage jewelry locally collected and re-created into new pieces by Madeliene O’Connell (a local artist in the Highlands) are definitely statement pieces. You can find these jewels at Fleur de Lis.

vintage jewelry

vintage jewelry

Oh Audrey Hepburn, you are such an inspiration to brands and women’s fashion all around the world! You are the standard for elegant dress and timeless style. Even Ray Ban Sunglasses was inspired by Audrey’s famous black frames in Breakfast at Tiffany’s … affordable vintage fashions can be found at Happy Shopping!

audrey hepburn

{images via Fleur de Lis,,, Fashion & Luxury}

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