Dolly Parton said it best, Let Love Grow.
When we really look around, in spite of the horrific hatred we see daily on the news, we find that love still exists. In fact, love is all around. But, sometimes we need a little reminder. To us, the heart shape, whether big or small, signifies love. Inside of us, it represents this beautiful life with every heart-pumping beat; but outside of us, the shape represents love, goodness and kindness. When we open our eyes, minds and hearts, we find that not only is love everywhere, but hearts are, too. And, with every heart we spy with our eyes, it’s an opportunity to reflect on the love in our lives, and how we can share it with others.
Last week, we saw a heart designed on the top of our latte. Everyday, as our children learn to draw hearts, we pause to think about the love and joy that lives in their hearts {and the role we play in shaping what love looks like in their world}. Every time we send and receive a handwritten note from a loved one, it’s signed with a heart. And, just the other day, one of our kids saw a heart-shaped cloud in the sky.
Recently, we used our green thumbs to create a green heart to remind us to let love grow. The plant can be transplanted outdoors if it outgrows the container, and good news – it’s a perennial – so it will come back year after year.
- Plastic Pot Saucer, Home Depot
- Sedum Tile Ground Cover
- Scissors, sharp {garden scissors}
- Potting Soil
- Chalkboard sign, small stick and pen
Drill several holes into the plastic saucer. We drilled one in the center and four evenly spaced around the saucer.
Fill the planter 1/2-3/4 full with dirt.
Remove the entire square tile of Sedum from the container and flip it over. Use chalk to draw your design, or eye-ball it. We chose a heart, and without lines to follow, we began to cut.
Place the heart in the center of the saucer with dirt, and then fill in all the surrounding space with dirt.
Make a sign – Let Love Grow or Love Lives Here – and insert it in the dirt.
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