The Cutest DIY Beanie Ornaments Ever

mini beanie ornament

We love to sport beanies all winter. They keep us warm in chilly Colorado, and they are a fantastic winter accessory. Although we wish knitting and crocheting was in our repertoire, it’s not. So, while we can’t knit ourselves a beanie, we did find another way to make DIY beanies to add to other areas of our lives. Good news, no skills required, and minimal supplies needed (hint: everyone stocked up on it in 2020).

We love our DIY mini beanies so much that we made two versions. First, we started with DIY beanie wine toppers. Next, we have a version for kids – a DIY mini beanie ornament. These are so adorable, beyond easy to make and a great craft to keep the kids busy indoors. We are obsessed.

We shared all the details at Momtastic here.

diy beanie ornament-great christmas craft for kids

Merry Schittsmas: FREE Schitt’s Creek Inspired Holiday Gift Tags

schitts creek gift tags-free printable-ew 2020-merry schittsmas-best wishes warmest regards

It’s been a year! The one thing we could really count on to make us laugh out loud every night (with the exception of our children and hubbies) was Schitt’s Creek. David, Johnny, Moira and Alexis kept the mood light and funny when the world was spinning with COVID chaos. Let’s keep the tradition of laughter (and fun conversation starters) going with Schitt’s Creek gift tags under our trees this Christmas. Your friends and family who are fans of the show will appreciate the special holiday touch, including David’s lightning bolt sweater paired with You’re Simply the Best, and their always funny coined phrases including Ewe, which Alexis says best.


We’ve had a real Schitt’s-inspired Christmas. First it was our gift guide. Now, it’s free printable gift tags. Next, it may or may not have to do with wine?!

Download the FREE file here (6 gift tags; the first page of the free file), cut and hang with a ribbon. You can add a to: and from: on the back, or top and bottom.

That’s it. Best wishes and warm regards from us!

schitts creek christmas - free printable gift tags -

schitts creek gift tags-free printable-ew 2020 - best wishes and warmest regards



schitts creek christmas - free printable gift tags -

Holiday DIY: How To Dress Up Boxed Wine for The Holidays

DIY Boxed Wine Gingerbread Boxes

Last time, we got cozy and cute with DIY beanie wine bottle toppers. Today, we’re dressing up boxed wine. In fact, we made a DIY boxed wine gingerbread village we lovingly call Vinoville. Let’s get one thing clear, there’s nothing wrong with boxed wine. If your a wino, it may not be your thing, and that’s cool. We love a smooth bottle of Brunello di Montalcino as must as anyone, and if we had the budget, we would splurge all the time.

But, we love to sip wine, whether it’s in a bottle or box. Wine, even when it’s presented from a box, tastes good, and helps us get our chill on. Plus, we’re getting more bang for our buck, and gotta love that! As a college student or 20-something who is hanging with girlfriends – a boxed wine on the table or bar is ALL good. As grown women who like to host (sometimes), a box of wine is not the prettiest addition to the bar. Again, absolutely nothing wrong with it, but dressing it up just a bit can make all the difference for a more ‘grown-up’ look, especially during the holidays. You can do it for very little money, and get creative with it! You can use the wrapping paper you have on-hand, so you don’t even have to go to the store. We love to wrap with Kraft paper, so we had some on hand, and used it to create Gingerbread Houses. But, imagine how cute this would be with plaid paper, or pretty metallic paper with a big bow!

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY

DIY Boxed Wine Makeover: Gingerbread Houses 



Step 1: Remove the cardboard circle, where the spout comes out. Next, trace that circle  on the wrapping paper. Make sure you do it in the middle, like your wrapping a gift, so you have enough paper on all sides (basically don’t trace it on the edge of the wrapping paper). Cut the circle out with scissors or an X-acto knife. You can make it slightly larger so it doesn’t rip when you pull the spout through, or if you rip it like we did on one of them, you can add a black paper door (or even a mini wreath) around it and no one will ever know.

Step 2: Wrap the wine boxes. We didn’t get a good photo of that, but put the wine box upside down (you can take the bag out if it’s too heavy and crinkles the paper), and line up the cut out circle with the spout. You can pull the spout through it at this point if you didn’t already in step one. Wrap it like a gift, so do the back first, then “cut-in” on the sides for the bottom just like you would for a gift. See step 3 for the roof.

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY


Step 3: Cut in the sides just like you did for the bottom, but just tape one of the sides, not the final “corner” – that peak is the roof. Kraft paper stays nice and straight. If you use flimsy wrapping paper, you can either find something to prop it up, have a flat roof or keep open up and glue two of the sides of the wine box together before wrapping it, so it creates a peak (we did that for the white-roof one before we created a ruffle roof with a crepe paper roll).

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY-ho ho ho pour the pinot-wine craft

Step 4: Now, it’s time to make gingerbread house lines, swirls, doors, snowflakes, etc. Make each house your own. We used a marker pen for the white decorations, and added ribbon, pins and mini Santa hats, and a bell to accessorize. They can be as simple or as complex as you want. How fun would it be to make the Grinch house, Whoville, or even ugly Christmas sweaters?! If you want the labels, we can email them to you for free. Email us at or IM us on IG here and tell us you want the boxed gingerbread house wine printables. We have one for Merlot, Pinot and Chardonnay!

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY

Step 5: Let the wine flow. Cheers!

diy boxed wine gingerbread houses-holiday DIY

A DIY Beanie Wine Bottle Topper For Every Bottle of Wine In Your Life This Winter

DIY beanie wine bottle toppers-holiday-gift-wine-lovers-winter-cozy

This holiday season brings about so many emotions. Gratitude for all the silver livings this year has bestowed upon us. A good perspective on our lives and what really matters as we near the end of this disastrous year. Worry that the year is not yet over and well, anything can still happen. Angst about school, jobs and our health. Embarrassed by the fact that we cannot give the extravagant gifts we want due to the economic turmoil this pandemic has caused. Fear that we may get sick. Concern that people are more alone that ever this holiday season. Pleasure in the cozy loungewear we get to wear more often. The list goes on and on. But, through it all we must remain steadfast in hope, joy and love. Whether its from others, or tiny moments throughout the day, it’s there…it’s just harder to find this year.

One thing is for certain this holiday season – we will be sipping wine as we toast the good memories, bid farewell to the bad, and laugh about all the ridiculous ones in between. If we can’t dress up and go to all the parties we usually do, we can at least dress up our wine bottles! We made DIY wine topper beanies, and our wine bottles have never looked so cozy and cute!

These are so insanely easy to make, and you have more time than ever at home, so get to it. There is no sewing, crocheting or knitting skills necessary. Make them for your own wine bottles at home, or gift them to friends with a bottle of wine this holiday season. You can give an expensive bottle, or a cheap $7 Malbec from Kirkland/Costco (don’t knock it till you try it – I have some in my wine bar now). Cover up the label with the cute labels we made (FREE printable here), and no one will ever know if it’s a $100 bottle, $30 bottle, or $10 bottle of wine. You’re welcome!

Let’s get this wine and beanie party started…

let it snow-wine labels-beanie-wine-toppers-diy-holiday

DIY Beanie Wine Toppers


  • Wine
  • Yarn (we found the thick yarn works best, and is less work)
  • Toilet paper squares (for the stuffing)
  • Poster board or thick card stock (cut in strips)
  • Scissors
  • X-acto knife
  • White flat back pearls for embellishment*
  • Astrobrights Sticker Paper (for labels)*


Step 1: Cut poster about 1-2 inches thick and approximately 8.5-9.5 inches long. You can wrap it around the neck of your wine bottle to see how you want it to sit and the right length for you. Important note: the short the neck of your wine bottle, the better. It looks better, and it fits better. If the neck is too long, it looks odd, and you can’t pull it down. Use a hot glue gun to glue the poster board together so it makes a circle.

NOTE: in the photos below, I used toilet paper rolls and different colored yarn for another similar craft you should check out – DIY beanie ornaments. For the wine toppers, you will need something larger than toilet paper rolls, such as the poster board. The method of making them is the same, so don’t pay attention to the colors, just the method.

Step 2: Cut strips of yarn about 2 feet long.

strips of red yarn for DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids

Step 3: Fold the yarn in half so there are two strands of equal length.

DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids

Step 4: Pull the ends of the yarn through the ‘circle’ and then back through the yarn loop. Now you should have a ‘knot’ on the bottom of the circle base. Keep doing this until the entire circle is covered. When you are done it almost resembles an octopus or squid with tentacles hanging. Tighten all the knots by pulling the string, and pushing up on the knot at the same time.

strips of red yarn for DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids

strips of red yarn for DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids


strips of red yarn for DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids

strips of red yarn for DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids

Step 5: Grab and then push all the strings back through the center hole so they hang from the other side. We did this with small groups of yarn each time, and it worked great.

strips of red yarn for DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids

strips of red yarn for DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids

Step 6: Now grab the strands and tie a tight knot with a thread of yard about 1/4 way up. This will create the head part of the beanie, so it can be a bit shorter or taller, to your liking. Now, it’s time to cut the pom pom on top. Cut all the loose ends above the knot, and the extra string at the end of the knot. I love big pom poms on top of beanies, so it can stay big, or you can make it a smaller pom pom.

strips of red yarn for DIY beanie ornaments-yarn crafts for kids

Step 7: Stuff the DIY beanie with some squares of toilet paper. You should have plenty if you’re like the rest of Americans who freaked out and over-bought toilet paper. Or maybe you already went through your stash, and can’t find any (kinda like our current situation). If you want to decorate your beanie to look fancy, or just extra cute, use a hot glue gun to glue glitter or pearls like we did.

Step 8: Top your wine bottle with the coziest DIY beanie wine topper ever!! Tell your friends to use year after year, or re-gift. If you want the labels we made for extra flair, click here. Just print them on Astrobrights Sticker Paper, cut and you’re done.

DIY beanie wine bottle toppers-holiday-gift-wine-lovers-winter-cozy

DIY beanie wine bottle toppers-holiday-gift-wine-lovers-winter-cozy

DIY beanie wine bottle toppers-holiday-gift-wine-lovers-winter-cozy

DIY beanie wine bottle toppers-holiday-gift-wine-lovers-winter-cozy-let it snow merlot-wine labels


*Affiliate Link: We may make a commission on these links; however, there is no charge to you on any of the items. Thanks for supporting our family blog. 

Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle DIY Halloween Costumes


Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle DIY Halloween CostumesOne of our kids favorite movies for the past couple of years is Jumanji. We love the Robin Williams original version, so it was a hard one to beat, but the new versions of the cursed game did not disappoint. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, and Jumaji: The Next Level feature a new cast of characters that get sucked into a video game where they transform into their avatar characters (with different strengths and weaknesses); as opposed to Williams movie where the game came to life on a board game with the roll of a dice. If you haven’t seen the movies, we highly recommend them! Our kids love them, and we laugh every.single.time we watch them. Since we have nothing but love for the jungle adventure movie, our kids jumped with excitement when we mentioned DIY Jumanji halloween costumes for 2020.

As you know, we love costumes that have items of normal clothing that can be re-worn (even better when we already own it), and Jessica always has to have a DIY element. Groups costumes are getting harder and harder with our kids getting older and more opinionated, but we would love for the tradition to continue as long as our kids will go for it. In the past, we dove under the sea with a DIY diver costume, DIY jellyfish (one of our all-time faves) and Deadliest Catch fisherman. Next, we ventured into the magical world of Harry Potter. And, who can forget the colorful world of the Dreamworks DIY Troll costume. Last year, we went a little dark with our glorious DIY Maleficent.

This year, welcome to the jungle! You have plenty of time to get this costume together – it can totally be done now, or last-minute is more your thing. Here’s how we did it…

Jumanji Welcome To the Jungle DIY Halloween Costumes for kidsFINAL

Ruby Roundhouse
Army cargo pants: Walmart $12
Gloves: $1 Walmart gloves, and cut tips
Maroon top: Target $8
Combat boots: Target $24 (we had these already)
Old school boombox: We made this with a recycled shoe box, black paint, clay buttons, and chair floor protectors
Harness: DIY, folded black duct tape
Utility belt: Amazon, $13 (you can use one or two of the pockets for the other costumes)
Red hair wax: Amazon, $10

Dr. Shelly Oberon
Safari hat: Amazon for $17
Safari jacket: Amazon for $29
Shorts: already owned
Bogs boots: already owned, but these are great winter boots that last forever
Round circle frame glasses: Amazon, $9
Button up shirt: already owned, and most any would work
Green bowtie: Amazon, $9 (comes with suspenders, and you’ll be all set for St. Patrick’s day)
Vest: Thrift store score from my mother-in-law but Amazon has one for $30 if your thrift store doesn’t have one

“Mouse” Finbar
Green backpack: Waterproof Utility Bag (rave reviews for this bag outdoors) This is a big part of the movie because he’s backpack guy
Cargo shorts: Gap, $13
Polo shirt: already owned it
Vest: already owned, but this one or this one would work too (both under $15)
Bucket hat: Amazon for $12
Red bandana: already owned it
Binoculars: already owned, but this $9 pair works, or this pair if you want it to last awhile longer
Boots: already had, but this pair of black boots from Target work
Camo socks: Old Navy, $10 for 3 pairs

Smolder Bravestone
Utility shirt: already owned it, but here’s one
Green pants: already owned it, but here’s one
Military belt with holster: Amazon, $20
Boots: Walmart, $16

Accessories/DIY Costume Props
Boombox: DIY
Jumanji game: DIY with boxes. We used brown and copper paint to paint the box, the texture on the box is made with a hot glue gun – we traced the name of the game and the design on front from an online print out and then painted the glue copper. The handle is made with black folded duct tape. If you need a tutorial, email us at We can send them to you.
Printables of character strengths and weaknesses: free printable from Handmade Charlotte

jumanji game pieces

jumanji game pieces diy halloween costume jumanji props

DIY group halloween costume for kids - jumanji welcome to the jungle

Happy Halloween from our jungle crew! Our other adorable crew is dressing as a family, and they are traveling along the yellow brick road. Check in to our instagram to see the looks on Halloween!

diy jumanji halloween costumes - group costume idea